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Самая шокирующая реклама против курения (ФОТОПОДБОРКА)
12.07.2010 15:25    PDF Печать E-mail

Немало социальных проектов направлены на попытку уменьшить число курильщиков, однако большинство из них основываются только на разговорах, стандартных предупредительных листовках и въевшейся мудрости жизни про каплю никотина, порождающую смерть лошади. Но есть в этом ряду и исключения - порой авторы подобных акций пытаются взять за живое и навязать страх перед зависимостью. Очередная подборка juniorkvn.ru именно об этом.


The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads


The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads

The Best and Most Creative Anti-Tobacco Ads


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